Once upon a time, there was an evil sorceress who cast a wicked spell on a group of unsuspecting souls. This spell made them believe that whatever she wanted was what they wanted.
It was a powerful dark spell: it enslaved them unconsciously to her evil bidding and made them believe that they had no choice but comply.
And so it came to pass that they worked willingly for the sorceress even though they often found themselves behaving in ways that made them very unhappy.
Year after year they toiled under the evil influence of her malicious spell.
But one day, out of the blue, one of these souls had a startling insight.
This insight presented in the form of a question.
This soul asked herself: "If I am doing what I want to do, how come it hurts me to do it?"
This question was the beginning of the road to freedom…
The evil sorceress is known as fear, and the spell she casts is negative self-talk. Its side effect is a belief that the negative self-talk is somehow beneficial. That's how the spell works.
Why else would anyone punish themselves by breaking himself or herself down all the time?
So lets ask ourselves "If I am doing what I want to do, then how come it hurts me to do it?"
So lets ask ourselves "If I am doing what I want to do, then how come it hurts me to do it?"
Make today a ‘day out of the blue’, for you. Recognise the evil spell for what it is. It’s the first step towards breaking it.
Just for today.