Given that fact that we are individuals, our solutions will be bespoke and tailored to our needs.
In order to kick off the treatment, I have listed some "mootie" you can take so get started.
In order to kick off the treatment, I have listed some "mootie" you can take so get started.
There are two times that occur naturally during our days when, scientifically speaking, our "affirmations" will be most effective.
- Right when you wake up
- Just before you go to sleep
The reason for this is that our brainwaves at these times are very slow - and our brains are more receptive to messages at this "wave-length".
Have your list of correctly formulated affirmations on hand.
Read or recite out loud – internally or externally three times in a row.
Here are some examples of Self Love Affirmations that you can use to drowned out the bitch in your head. Use them until you feel comfortable with designing your own, personalised ones. Don't negotiate with your ego when you are drowning out its propaganda. It may sound so cheesy - but, mark my words, repeating them to my inner dominatrix has helped me avert a good many crashes.
Also remember, by using them, you are simultaneously contributing to the reprogramming of your conscious and subconscious thinking.
- I love and forgive myself totally for all my mistakes, for I now recognize that mistakes are positive, not negative.
- I now fully recognize that I have worth because God (the universe, the infinite, my higher self) created me, and I do not have to do anything to have it.
- My worth is unchangingly positive because it is a spiritual inheritance. It is not increased by my success nor decreased by my mistakes.
- I realize now that I have total worth and value as a person whether I learn my lessons in life or not.
- I now recognize that everything that has ever happened in my life has been positive, because these experiences contained the lessons I have needed to learn.
- I choose to live in the "now" and not hold the past against myself.
- I hereby choose to approve of myself, so I do not have to go around seeking approval from others.
- I realize that everything that happens in life is a teaching, a lesson, a challenge, and an opportunity to grow.
- I now realize that I am the "I" person, chooser, consciousness, and spiritual being and that this part of me deserves unconditional love at all times.
- I deserve love because my true identity is not what I do in life. I am the "chooser" of what I do.
- I now understand that I am here to learn lessons and grow in life, but if I make mistakes I am still totally lovable and unchangingly worthy.
- I am the master of my life and I choose to be my own best friend instead of my own worst enemy.
- I now choose to awaken and recognize that it was only the faulty thinking of my ego that has caused me not to love myself.
- I now choose to undo all the faulty thinking society has programmed into me and replace it with self-love.
- I love me. I forgive me. I approve of me, and I commit myself from this moment onward to treating myself in a spiritual manner rather than in an egotistical manner. I now fully realize that the way in which I think is the reality in which I live. I have been living in my own self-created hell of faulty thinking. I now choose to and will live in my self-created heavenly state of consciousness. It is really that simple.
- The only thing in this infinite universe that says I do not deserve love is my "ego". I hereby reject my ego and its false attitude and get back in tune with my true spiritual attitude and self.I now, once and for all, release the ego's game of "having to do" in order to deserve love and worth.
- I now fully recognize I have always been lovable and worthy and will always be so.
Just for today.