Using the F-word

Do you ever stay up at night, replaying your mistakes over and over in your head?

Maybe, like me, you cringe in between the sheets at the humiliation of your errors.

Maybe, like me, you replay the soap operas of things you have done wrong.

Repugnant memories that manage to stick around, stay alive in your head, and torment you - like a looped film playing over and over in your head.

Healthy reflection is a way of learning, but the futile reliving of these the memories is really just a way of punishing ourselves - and it spirals into guilt, blame and the inability to forgive ourselves. And, from then on, it's like wearing dark sunglasses that distort everything we see.One defining factor of guilt is that we commit the ultimate betrayal: abandoning ourselves. If we can't love ourselves, we can't  heal ourselves.

In order to let the past go, we must forgive ourselves officially.
Realise that everyone makes mistakes

Today, let's make the decision to forgive ourselves.

Give ourselves permission to heal.

Part of forgiving ourselves is understanding that we don't have to be punished. Give ourselves permission to let go of the pain. 

If we have wounded hearts, we can't give good and pure love to anyone else.

Let's make that decision today and create a new relationships with ourselves. 

Just for today.