Fear Factor

I know, I haven’t been around lately...
You see, I have been starring in my own personal series of Fear Factor.
While fear is a universal emotion that all people, consciously or unconsciously, experience from time to time – I confess that I am undoubtedly the “Royal Highness of Hives” when it comes to worrying about things that may never materialize.

I can’t breathe or sleep.

Get headaches and heart palpitations.

Basically I immobilize myself with worry.

Since I am not keen on celebrating my Diamond Jubilee for stately stress, I have decided to Botox my anxiety.

This is how it works: If you find yourself concerned over a situation in the future, tell yourself, “let me worry about this tomorrow; there is no need to worry about it today because it won’t happen today”.

Whenever the problem comes to your mind, just try this technique – delay worrying for another day.

The fact is that most worries never occur; delaying them is just a clever way of dealing with our negative minds.

So Botox your blues.

Just for today.