Self-esteem recession

We need to remind ourselves daily that money or a lack of it doesn't determine who we are. 

Our worth as a person has nothing to do with how much money we have. 

Once we truly believe this, and money is no longer connected to our sense of self-worth, we open up the psychological barriers that were keeping us from wisely handling the money we do have and limiting our ability to make more.

If money is an obstacle in your self-esteem battle, you may think about your unconscious limiting beliefs keeping you from being financially successful.

As we begin to build up our feelings of self-worth and develop a positive attitude about ourselves , we'll start feeling less of a need to generate positive feelings by purchasing things, and  stop buying things we don't really need. 

We all need money, I will be the first to admit it. But it is not everything. It cannot buy time, laughter or love.

So whether you have it or you don't, remember this.

Just for today.