Given that fact that we are individuals, our solutions will be bespoke and tailored to our needs.
We need to understand that and that we are beings of mind body and soul. We can only really kick off this adventure (extreme sport?) by identifying what needs to be changed.

It’s the first part of creating a toolkit for self-defeating depression disorder.
Remember, there is no recrimination here.

This is you testing out where you are placed on this journey.

Taking your temperature.

Being honest with yourself.

Just for you.

Do you recognise any of my tendencies in yourself?
If you said yes to 5 or more of these, you can be pretty damned sure that you have a core belief that you are inherently unlovable and broken.

These habits were formed in Early Childhood but they are no longer relevant – they no longer serve us. They are, quite honestly, reminiscent of the coping mechanisms we created when we were children to counter upsetting parent, peer and role model attitudes, because we were too young to develop the required skills of healthy disassociation.

We are convinced that that these behaviours still provide relief for pent up anxiety.
Think about this, do you REALLY think you would still be depressed if these behaviours were still doing what you have come to rely on them for ?
The bottom line is that the personality system we created may have served us once but has now become nothing more than an uncontrollable reflex. Nothing more than a war within.
The basis of these behaviours has caused damage in the healthy development of self-love.
We need to revisit these core beliefs and model new strategies such as self-assurance and ways to manage them.

Once you have grasped this for yourself - you are one step closer to escape... 

Just for today.