Ignore the things/people that hurt you.

Just for today.

You owe it to yourself

As hard as it is for others to accept, you owe yourself this respect.

Respect your needs.

Just for today.

Inner voices

Listen to your inner voice. Recognise where it comes from.

And watch what you say to others.

Just for today.

Keep calm

Don't worry about the future. It will take care of itself.

Just for today.

It's a fact.

Remember this.

Just for today.

(and everyday, for the rest of your life:-) )

I have to do this every so often. Do you ?

If so. Do it.

Just for today.

(PS Happy Birthday Mommy xxxxx)


This is painfully important. 

Live by it.

Just for today.

Walk away

If someone is being stupid, don't entertain an argument.

Walk away.

Just for today.

Tea and crumpets

Let yourself have an awesome week-end and throw those unwanted rascals out !

Just for today.

Decisions, decisions...

Your decisions are a reflection of your unique essence.

Make your own.

Just for today.

Think happy thoughts

Just for today.

What I know for sure

After many years. Far too many years, in fact. I have come to realise that fear is a response technique that we have been brainwashed to use - designed with the intention of keeping us on a low vibrational level and preventing us from connecting to ourselves.

The most important thing you can ever do for yourself is to learn how to defuse that bomb.

This is the most powerful revelation I have ever had.

Let's commit to not letting this mind bomb detonate.

Just for today.